The Winter Arc Challenge: Give Your Brand a Boost This Season

If you’ve been scrolling through TikTok lately, you might have seen the “winter arc” trend—people are using the colder months to focus on self-improvement and get ahead before the new year. We loved the idea so much that we’ve made it our own, revamping the concept to help you strengthen your brand.

Winter is the season of coziness and reflection, but it’s also the perfect time to give your brand a boost before the new year arrives. Welcome to the Winter Arc Challenge, designed to help you focus on refining your brand identity, messaging, and content. Each step will get you closer to a stronger, more streamlined brand. Let’s dive in!

1. Find One Way to Improve Your Customer Experience

Your customers are at the heart of your business, so why not show them a little extra love this season? Improving customer experience can be simple but impactful. Here are a few ways to make their interactions with your brand memorable:

  • Offer a Small Bonus: A discount code, a free sample, or a hand-written thank-you note can make a lasting impression.

  • Add a Unique Element to Your Packaging: Make unboxing a moment to remember with personalized packaging or eco-friendly materials.

  • Simplify the Checkout Process: Evaluate your website and remove any unnecessary steps or friction that might slow down conversions.


2. Tighten Up Your Messaging

Your brand’s message is the key to connection. Are you saying what you mean in the clearest, most engaging way? Here’s how to tighten up:

  • Refresh Your Copy: Revisit your website, landing pages, and product descriptions. Are there any updates or tweaks that could make the message sharper?

  • Streamline Your Tagline: Is your tagline concise and memorable? Aim to communicate your brand’s essence in five words or less.

  • Update Social Media Bios: Your social media bios should be clear, aligned with your current brand, and direct visitors to take action.


3. Batch Your Content

Consistency is key, especially when it comes to content. By batching your social media content, you can stay organized and maintain a steady online presence:

  • Set Weekly Themes: Themes can help you stay on-brand and plan posts around specific goals or events.

  • Create in Focused Blocks of Time: Dedicate a few hours weekly to plan, create, and schedule your content. Remove distractions and just get it done (ugh! I know).

  • Schedule Ahead: Use tools that allow for automated posting to avoid the daily scramble.


4. Create a Vision Board

Get creative with a vision board that will inspire you and keep your brand on track:

  • Time to Daydream: Whether you prefer a digital board or something physical, find visuals that represent your brand’s values, aesthetics, and emotions.

  • Identify Characteristics: Take note of recurring themes—these will help define your brand’s unique personality and influence your decisions moving forward.


5. Set Brand Goals

This is your chance to map out where you want your brand to go in the future:

  • Long-Term Vision: Start by defining your long-term vision to keep your goals on the right track.

  • Prioritize Key Goals: Pick 2-3 high-impact goals to focus on and prioritize based on feasibility.

  • Break Goals Into Actionable Steps: Break each goal down into smaller tasks with deadlines to keep the momentum going.

Closing Thoughts

You’re well on your way to a brand glow-up! Winter isn’t just about cozy nights in; it’s the perfect time to give your brand a little boost. As you wrap up the Winter Arc Challenge, remember that every step you’ve taken is laying the groundwork for growth. Keep refining, stay consistent, and don’t shy away from celebrating your achievements along the way.

Let’s make this season your brand’s best one yet!


Your Winter Arc journey doesn’t have to end here.

Ready to dive deeper? Download our free brand clarity workbook. A self-guided audit for trailblazing, small business owners.